Thursday, December 31, 2015


I have always been one to roll my eyes at the whole New Years resolution thing. I mean seriously you're the same person at 12:01am on January 1st that you were at 11:59pm on December 31st. I mean I get it, clean slates and such...but really what's the point?? 

Over the years my mentality about the whole thing started to change. The thought process behind turning over a new leaf and the desire to become a better version of yourself made sense to me, but I still never took the plunge and actually put thoughts to paper and chose specific things to work on to become a more decent human being. 

So, fast forward to this year...2015 was craaaaazy. It was crazy good, crazy bad, and just completely insane at times. I kind of veered "off course" in some areas during the year and needed more self discipline and structure so I'm thinking maybe if I just lay all this stuff out there, acknowledge things that I could change up for the better, I might do a bit less veering in 2016. Also I'm watching some friends who made awesome resolutions last year and right now they are sitting around like "2015? Nailed ittttttt!" And I want that feeling of accomplishment too! 

So, how does one resolve to be better? I've been thinking, and thinking, and I've come to the conclusion that for ME, making a lot of smaller changes over the course of the year would work better than puffing out my chest at midnight and declaring that I would lose all the pounds, finish the Boston marathon, and cure Ebola. I want my goals to be attainable! I'll be writing down my goals, my resolutions, tonight as the ball drops. I know for sure one will be to just stay present in moments. Have my eyes focused on my children as they play and learn, on my husband as he tells me about his day...less screen time, less candy crush, more of the people I love. 

Happy New Year. May you all be blessed in 2016. 

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