Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Pocket Gypsy

I guess the first step is to acknowledge how incredibly non-P.C. this blog name is. The second step is to inform y'all that if you're looking for a P.C. kinda gal, you've arrived at the wrong blog altogether. Ain't nobody got time for that. I laugh at everything, and I can turn anything into a big ol' inappropriate joke. It's my superpower. Now that we've gotten that out of the way. I bet you're asking yourself what the heck is a pocket gypsy?! 

Let me begin at the most of you know my husband and I just brought home a fabulous, adorable, tiny bundle of Bulgarian perfection. He is of Roma (gypsy) descent and as mentioned he is super tiny (14 pounds at 7 1/2 YEARS old)and we have joked that he is so teeny we could fit him in our pocket, friends and family have threatened to "put him in their pocket" and sneak him home with them...then one day in Bulgaria my friend Jamie referred to him as a Pocket Gypsy...and it just stuck! When he was admitted to the hospital here in the U.S. even his doctors started calling him Pocket there ya have it...the origin of the pocket gypsy. 

I might just take the name and run with it...rename my etsy store?! Who knows...but it's fun, and it's snarky, and it fits our families personality to a T.

I will be back soon to update on how our little dude is doing...and kind of catch everyone up on who he is, and who we are, and all that good stuff. I know a lot of people on his facebook page are curious about the full story and interested in our family so I'm going to give this blogging thing another go. I'm not great at it and honestly I don't think our family is interesting enough to fill a blog with our shenanigans but we'll see! Until next time!

PS if you want to keep up when I'm slacking as a can click the facebook link on the right and it will take you to Ryan's page..I update there daily.

Happy New Year!

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